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时间:2013-07-27 09:28:46  来源:MBA培训网  点击:

16. access/assess/ asset /excess 
Citizens may have free      to the library.
There is no       to the street through that door.
The bank has      of more than 1 billion. 
The annual income of school teachers in this place was      at900.
You'll have to pay    charges on this luggage.
17. adapt/ adjust/ adopt
You should        yourself to the new environment.
You can't see through the telescope until it is      to your eyes.
The factories have       the newest modern technology. 
18. subject/ object/ reject
Many people     to experimentation on animals.
Choose the good apples and      the bad ones.
How many      are you studying this semester?
19. extinct/ distinct/ instinct/distinctive
There is a       improvement in your spoken English. 
She has a very       way of walking.
Dinosaurs have been       for millions of years.
Birds learn to fly by       
20. tend/ intend/ extend/ contend
Emma    to take short rests every two hours.
My grandmother       to go to bed early every day.
The firm is too small to       against large international companies. 
Can you       your visit for a few days more?
China has greatly       its influence in world affairs.
1.      access, access, assets, assessed, excess
2.      adapt, adjusted, adopted,
3.      object, reject, subjects
4.      distinct, distinctive, extinct, instinct
5.      intends, tends, contend, extend, extended


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