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时间:2013-07-27 09:27:58  来源:MBA培训网  点击:


21. rise/ raise/ arise/ arouse
They      their output by more than half in less than three years. 
His voice       in excitement.   
Accidents       from carelessness.  
We must        them to fight with enemies. 
22. acquire/ require/ inquire enquire
The pilot       about the weather condition. 
The occasion       formal dress.
Gradually we       experience in how to do the work.   
23. contract/ contact/ contest/ contrast/ context/ content/
Metal       as it becomes cool. 
Use the following       information to get in touch.
He's        the election next week.  
Today's work is quite a        to what you did yesterday.
You can always tell the meaning of a word from its       
The police emptied her bag and examined the        .
24. reply/ apply/ supply/ comply
Our literature ought to        with the popular taste.
Cows       us with milk.
In this way they can better     theory to practice.
Don't     for that job. You're in danger of overreaching yourself. 
Tom       that he had finished the work.
25. stimulate/ simulate/ accumulate/ formulate
Snow       on the ground.
Pinyin can be used on computers to       Chinese words now. 
The central government        policy and measures for speeding up west development.
Some moths(蛾)     dead leaves.  
Alcohol         the action of the heart.
21.      raised, rose, arise, arouse
22.      inquired, requires, acquired
23.      contracts, contact, contesting, contrast, context, contents
24.      comply, supply, apply, apply, replied
25.      accumulated, formulate, formulate, simulate, stimulates


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