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时间:2013-07-27 09:29:31  来源:MBA培训网  点击:


11. demote/promote/remote
The young army officer was      to the rank of captain.
Mail comes to this      village only once a week.  
Tom was      from the headmaster to teacher.  
12. disclaim/reclaim/exclaim/proclaim/acclaim/claim
The manufacturers      all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse. 
She        in delight upon hearing the news.
You may be entitled to       some of the tax you paid last year.   
The president      that a new currency would be issued. 
Did you       on the insurance after your car accident? 
They      to have discovered a cure for the disease.
He was        hero of the country. 
13. proficient/efficient/deficient/sufficient
The money I have saved is        for buying a car, so I am going to do it next year.
We are      in hands.
After reading this book, you will be       in writing.
The new secretary is a quick,       worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.
14. sensible/ sensitive /sensational/ sentimental
Don't be so  _________- I was not criticizing you.
Saving your presence, I don't think the suggestion is very       .   
The newspapers played up       social news. 
She is such a     girl, crying over a romantic story.
15.  inspect/ aspect/ respect/ expect/ suspect
It was strange that nobody       my ticket before I got on the train.
I deeply       her courage.
On the course she received a thorough training in every     of the job.
She has more intelligence than we        her to possess.  
The journey was not as nice as we had       
1.      promoted, remote, demoted,
2.      disclaim, exclaimed, reclaim, proclaimed, claim, claim, acclaimed
3.      sufficient, deficient, proficient, efficient,
4.      sensitive, sensible, sensational, sentimental
5.      inspected, respect, aspect, suspected, expected,


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