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时间:2014-03-31 16:20:34  来源:MBA培训网  点击:

Innovatory Spirit

With the rapid development of science and technology, the competition we are being faced with is becoming more and more fierce. This requires us to possess innovatory spirit which is not only the lifeline of business subsistence, because only constant innovation can make an enterprise superior to his rivals in such an competitive market, but also the foundation of a country’s development. If a country doesn’t innovate in science and technology, system and management, she must undoubtedly lag far behind other developed countries immediately.

As far as I am concerned, innovatory spirit is something that we cannot develop without, especially in hi-tech and information age. It can make our life much better even can change our life thoroughly. Of the many values that consist of our civilized society, such as honesty, kindness and so on, innovatory spirit may be the most important of all. Without it, there will be no progress, no colorful life and ultimately no modern society.

Then, how should we cultivate the innovatory spirit? Here are a few suggestions, which may be of some help. For one thing, the government should set up a mechanism of innovation and encourage people to invent and create daringly. For another, the fund of risk investment should be provided by some powerful organizations. Only in these ways people will carry forward the innovatory spirit in every field where they are working and studying.   ( 232 )


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