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MBA阅读:灵魂词汇 词汇中必会的信号词(一)

时间:2013-06-26 17:48:20  来源:MBA培训网  点击:

nbsp;   表明自己观点的信号词:
  论点:认为,相信: argue , argument , believe , suppose, think , be convinced that [相信] , hold the belief that … , have a notion that …, view…as , regard….as , see…as, consider….to be, reckon [算作,设想],
  论据: for example , for instance , specifically, take… as an example
  like , such as … , Imagine …. ,
  调查研究:investigation , inquiry [hold an inquiry into a case对一个案子进行调查]
  research, study, survey, report , questionnaire[调查问卷],measurement ,
  得出结论: conclude that … ,come to a conclusion that …. , draw a conclusion that …
  表明,发现: show , suggest , demonstrate , manifest [清楚地显示或表示] display,
  find , find out, discover, reveal , prove
  indicate, imply,
  预测: forecast , foretell, foresee, predict
  表示赞同: agree, appreciate , approve, consent to
  表示反对: against , disagree, disapprove, dissent , object to , be opposed to
  表示事实: belief , fact , reality, truth
  表示理论,设想:assumption , theory, hypothesis [假设]
  表示目的: to do, aim at, for the sake of , for , serve as, in favor of [有利于],
  for the purpose of, intend to do.


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