专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting,简称MPAcc )是经教育部、国务院学位办批准设立的一种专业学位。是培养具有良好职业道德,系统掌握现代会计理论与实务以及相关领域的知识与技能,具备会计工作领导能力的高素质会计人才。
① 18: Minimum age citizens must be to vote 18岁:英国公民参加投票的最低年龄限制 ② £6 million: Maximum amount groups can spend on official referendum campaigns 600万英镑:各种团体可用于正式投票活动的最高数额 ③ 1975: Last time Britain had a referendum on the EU (or the 'Common Market' as it was then called) 1975年:英国最近一次“脱欧”公投的时间,以决定是否继续留在欧洲经济共同体。 ④ 67%: Percentage of the 1975 electorate who chose to stay in 67%:1975年公投中,支持英国继续留在欧洲共同体的选民比例。 ⑤ 65%: Turnout in 1975 referendum 65%:1975年公投投票率。 ⑥ £12.9 billion: Amount the UK paid to the EU in 2015 after rebate taken into account 129亿英镑:2015年英国向欧盟纳税共计129亿英镑(折扣后)。 ⑦ 7: Number of ministers who attend David Cameron's Cabinet meetings who want to leave the EU 7:英国首相卡梅伦内阁中支持脱欧的大臣人数。 ⑧ 150: Number of Conservative MPs expected to back Brexit 150:据估计支持脱欧的保守党议员人数。 ⑨ 2.7 million: Number of people born in another EU country who now live in the UK according to Migration Watch 270万:根据“移民观察”组织的数据,生于其他欧盟国家、现居英国的人数。 ⑩FAQ:What is the EU referendum? “脱欧”公投问答: What does "Brexit" stand for? "Brexit"(“脱欧”)是什么意思? The term is a commonly-used abbreviation for British exit from the EU. "Brexit"是“英国退出欧盟”的简写。 How will it be decided? 如何决定? The decision hangs on the result of a national referendum, currently being prepared by the government. 根据英国公投结果确定,目前英国政府正为此做准备。 When will the referendum be held? 公投时间? The referendum will be held on Thursday. 全民公投将在6月23日举行。 What will the question be? 公投问题是什么? The question will ask: 'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?' 问题是:“英国应该继续留在欧盟,还是退出欧盟?” What is the expected result? 结果会怎样? Most polls show the British public is roughly evenly divided about the country's future in the EU, with a slight bias towards staying. 大多数民调显示,英国公众中,支持脱欧与支持留欧的比例基本持平,支持留在欧盟的比例略微多一点。
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